GDriveLiteQml - Example application for GCF's GDriveLite

Table of Contents

The GDriveLiteQml example showcases the capacity of GCF's GDriveLite component when used within a QML (or QtQuick) application. The GDriveLiteGui example shows how the GCF's GDriveLite component component can be used in a GUI application.

This page explains how to run the example and use the different kinds of functionality offered by it. It does not explain the source code and implementation of the example program.

We encourage you to take a look the source code of the example program and get a sense of how the API is used in it. This will help you with using API in your programs as well.

Launching GDriveLiteQml

To launch the program you will need to pass the –clientID and –clientSecret commandline parameters. The values passed to these parameters can be obtained from your Google API Console.

Start terminal (or command-prompt) and launch the GDriveLiteQml example from the command-line as follows

$ ./GDriveLiteQml --clientID:78399023134.apps.googleusercontent.com --clientSecret:QiA5B6kXo0gNWcn-6UKpggsJ

When the application is launched, you should see a login dialog as shown in the picture below.


In this page, you can enter your login credentials. [Note: You can enter login credentials of any Google Account, not just the account using which you registered the application in Google API Console.] After login in, you will need to accept authorization for the GDriveLiteGui application. Once that is done, you will see a main-window as follows


On the left hand side you will see a browsable list of folders from your Google Drive account. You can double click on any folder to move into the folder. You can single click on any file or folder to expand the item and take note of certain properties in the item.

On the right hand side you will notice two panels. The panel on the top can be used to

  • Change name of the item. You can click on the text-edit-box next to the "Name" label. Enter a new name and click on the tick mark that appears next to the text-box to apply the changed name.
  • Change the description of that item.
  • Download, Move, Share, Trash and Refresh the item.
As of writing the Refresh button doesnt work. We are working on fixing the underlying issue.

The panel below shows a list of all key=value attributes associated with the selected item.

Go ahead, launch the application and explore it. Feature and function wise this example is same as GDriveLiteGui, only the presentation is different.